Our neighborhood
These are our surroundings, what we see every day on our way to work.
Public transport
Metro line A and tram 11 around the corner. Tram 10 and 16 around another.
Team space
We don’t put more than 6 people in a room. No open space. No solitude. Ideal compromise
for cooperation.
Need 3 screens and 3 tablets? Here you go.
More equipment
…or 2 large screens and no tablet…
Farmers’ market
Just around the corner you can get bio goods at Prague’s most popular farmers’ market.
Parks all around
We have 3 parks in the immediate neighborhood.
Pro tap in the kitchen
Draught Kofola on the house + another beverage by people’s choice.
Backyard garden
This is what we see from our windows…
4m at glance
Who we are
We're a Prague, Czech Republic-based, small gang of programmers who have been together
for countless years. Many of us still remember good old 8bit times, the Amiga, Atari
ST, the first PCs/Macs and the time before the Internet came around. We've programmed
for mobile devices since it became possible - we went through the time of mobile
Java starting with Nokia 6230i, the boom of color phones and the wild platform fragmentation
that it caused (making 150 different ports of an app a neccessity) all the way to
today's open operating systems on smartphones and tablets (and soon smart TVs).
Fragmentation, however, is here to stay. It only changes its form and shape. Earlier
we had to live with different Java implementations, now it's different operating
systems plus HTML5. But we love new technologies and we're eager to play with new
ones. That's what 4mobile's all about. If it's battery-powered, we can program it.
We develop both to order and our own projects.
This all doesn't mean we're scared of back-ends, SQL, web services, the cloud or
anything a modern application has to do - in fact, that's where we're rooted, mobility
hasn't been around all the time, after all, and we did it all. So we can deliver
the entire package. Including solutions in the cloud, media streaming, around the
clock monitoring and support of critical systems, you name it.
Talent-wise, we have older and younger (our current age span is 20-50 years with
a mean just below 30), game and business-savvy individuals among us. Just what a
top-notch, no-nonsense programmer pack should be.
And we'd like to make you part of that team.
Part-timers and mature candidates
All that matters is getting the job done
Our philosophy is that a great team needs great people of all ages. For some reason,
some companies won't hire people above 45. We don't understand this as we're happy
to welcome aboard anyone irrespective of their width, height, weight, age, color,
sex or anything else that has nothing to do with their perfomance - as that is the
one thing that counts.
Candidates before job descriptions
If you're good we're interested
Our primary interest is to work with great people. We often change titles/positions
around when we meet someone awesome, so don't fret if you consider yourself more
or less experienced than one of our open positions.
In the end, the open positions list is what we need at the moment - many people
end up finding out their skill set is more useful elsewhere within the company anyway,
so please don't take these literally.
What it's like @ 4m
Few words about...
There are many reasons to work at 4M - take a look at our neighborhood, equipment,
our professional soft drinks tap and what's cool a the following page:
More about working here
Job description
What the job's about
Our ebook squadron needs reinforcements! We're creating an ebook lending service and we'd like to speed things up with your help in the area of great, simple-to-use UIs for a range of mobile and desktop targets. The app lets you read books, configure the entire experience, comms with the back-end solution, delivers our state-of-the-art cracker-headache DRM (we used to be crackers, so we know what hurts) and anything you can imagine when we say 'ebook reader'. Go ahead and check the existing apps. With your help, we're going to be better that all of them!
Technologies you'll use
If you don't know these you'll
learn them here
- iOS/Objective-C
- Android/Java/Dalvik
- WinPhone/C#
- BlackBerry/C++
- Web/HTML5
- Desktop/C++
This is just for your information. All we care about is your ability to learn.
Job Location
Where this job may be located
What we're looking for in a new colleague is:
- a functional brain
- passion for battery-powered gadgets
- results
What we're NOT looking for is:
- accurate working hours (within reasonable limits)
- a tie
- experience with our target platforms
We especially DON'T care about your:
- age
- sex, education, height, width, weight, color, shape, history
Next steps
We strive to keep a very good niveau of our team's members. On one hand, you know
you won't work with nitwits. On the other - well, that's the bad news as we need
you to show us you have what it takes. And do have that, don't you? All of our guys
have to pass a quiz. And this one's for this position (Yes! Press the shiny green
button below! The quiz is not limited by time and it isn't tracked for bad answers).
The quiz will tell you what to do. Good luck!
Other jobs @ 4M
More positions
Don't like this job? We have other open positions here.
Our main aim to work with the best people. So even though you don't see any fit,
feel free to proceed anyway!